Nude Model Photo Shoot Mamiya RZ67 Ilford film

Nude Model Photo Shoot Mamiya RZ67 Ilford film

My friend and I went on another Model Photo Shoot at a Kitchener photography studio. This time there was a bit of nudity to be had. My first time behind the camera in front of a naked woman. It’s pretty nerve racking to say the least and intimidating also. I wanted to focus more on portraiture than full body. Again not the best lighting for what I was trying to achieve, but the results were half decent. These shots were taken with my Mamiya RZ67 Pro ii medium format camera loaded with Ilford Delta Pro 100 black and white film.

“If Botticelli were alive today he’d be working for Vogue.” Peter Ustinov

Model Photo Shoot Nude Mamiya RZ67 Ilford Delta 100

Model Photo Shoot Nude Mamiya RZ67 Ilford Delta 100

Model Photo Shoot Nude Mamiya RZ67 Ilford Delta 100